22 Sep 2020 | News & Features

Rebuilding Economic Power through Business Revamp

Dukung Pembangunan Indonesia dengan Investasi SR013 di BCA

Bangun Kekuatan Ekonomi Kembali dengan Pembaruan Bisnis

The economic condition in Indonesia and the world is forecast to remain uncertain until the end of 2020. Numerous industries, companies, big businesses, MSMEs and workers have been largely and negatively affected by the pandemic. Different analysis, predictions and actions have also been carried out by various parties to ensure Indonesia’s prompt recovery.

The Indonesian government has started to open trading activities in the adaptation of the new normal since early June this year.  Several companies, entrepreneurs and professional workers take advantage of the government’s move by innovating products/solutions or new business lines to maintain and generate their business value.

Through the IKF IX – 2020, which will take place on 6 October 2020, BCA Learning Service is committed to always inspire and provide knowledge to the Indonesian public to invoke creativity and innovations. In its 9th year, the IKF focuses on “Business Revamp: Overcoming Uncertainty through Knowledge”, which is expected to be a learning platform to share knowledge in rebuilding Indonesia’s economic power.

Wait no more! Register at the IKF IX - 2020 now and be inspired and gain the knowledge for your business. Registration can be done via www.ikf.co.id or 255 63000 ext 1820242/43