28 Aug 2020 | News & Features

Supporting Indonesia’s Development with SR013 Investment at BCA

Dukung Pembangunan Indonesia dengan Investasi SR013 di BCA

Dukung Pembangunan Indonesia dengan Investasi SR013 di BCA

Amid the global economic shock, the Government institutes strategic steps to restore development, including through the issuance of retail sukuk SR013 that is available for purchase from 28 August until 23 September 2020.

SR013 can be purchased via Welma app or KlikBCA Individu. By investing in SR013 at BCA, you can enjoy more benefits such as a Rp100,000 Cashback for minimum subscription of Rp10 million via Welma, fee-free for the opening of Securities Account, competitive selling/buying transaction fees, and many more.

With an investment subscription starts from Rp1 million and its multiples, the SR013 offers a competitive fixed rate at 6.05 per annum. This product can also be traded at Domestic Secondary Market and is a safe sharia-compliant instrument whose coupon payment is guaranteed by law.

For those who have not purchased bonds at BCA, you may proceed to registration process at BCA nearest branches that serve bond transactions or contact Halo BCA to open an investment account.

Obtain the SR013 via BCA now! For further information, please contact Halo BCA 24-hr service at 1500888 or type #halobca via WhatsApp 0811 1500 998, and Halo BCA Chat on www.bca.co.id or mention us at Twitter account @HaloBCA.