20 Mar 2020 | News & Features

#BankingFromHome is More Comfortable via HaloBCA WhatsApp

#BankingFromHome lebih nyaman dengan HaloBCA WhatsApp

#BankingFromHome lebih nyaman dengan HaloBCA WhatsApp

Supporting the government initiatives for social distancing by working from home, BCA Always Stands by Your Side to provide ease of transaction despite working from home. Use the #bankingfromhome services from BCA features such as BCA mobile and KlikBCA Bisnis to enhance your experience #workingfromhome. Should you be confused, simply chat our agents at WhatsApp number 08111500998 or click this link.

It is very easy to do. Simply type #HaloBCA, and our agents will be at your disposal. Sssstt.. don’t get us wrong, they are an actual agent, not a machine intelligence. Halo BCA agents will always be ready to answer all banking needs you require.

In addition, Halo BCA is also available at hotline 1500888, Twitter account @haloBCA, email halobca@bca.co.id and webchat bca.co.id .

Stay safe, friends!