2020-04-27 | Awas Modus

Beware of Mask and Hand Sanitizer Sales Scams

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, masks and hand sanitizers have become rare products that are in high demand. Unsurprisingly because the two are becoming scarcer at pharmacies and convenience stores. As an alternative, people search for them online. Due to its scarcity, the prices of masks and hand sanitizers are highly inflated. So, if there is any offer with a “discounted” price, people will fight to get it.

Please be careful. There are people who abuse it to perform scams by pretending to sell masks and hand sanitizers at very cheap prices. To assure their customers, they often claim to be doctors or health students. Unfortunately, many people who intend to donate masks and hand sanitizers have become fraud victims.

What to Pay Attention to Before Shopping Online?

  1. Be careful of offers you find on social media, like Instagram or Facebook. Many people use social media to open fake “online shops”.
  2. Crosscheck the comment section. Usually, fake online shops usually close their comment section.
  3. Scam accounts usually do not have or use fake testimonies in a form of Whatsapp chat screen captures.
  4. If you pay closer attention, transaction proofs posted or sent through WhatsApp are edited.
  5. Scam accounts usually change their name often. You can check it by clicking the three dots icon at the top right on Instagram, select “About This Account”, and open the “Former Usernames” menu to check previous account names.
  6. Suspicious accounts also usually feature certain links. Do not click those links, because they might be a phising
  7. They do not allow Cash on Delivery (COD) delivery option
  8. Prices offered are far below the market price

How to Shop Online Safely

  1. Choose reputable and trusted online e-commerce
  2. Use the chat feature provided by e-commerce to communicate with the seller
  3. Choose from available payment methods. Remember, an official e-commerce does not facilitate payment through direct transfer to sellers’ bank account.
  4. If you are a BCA customer, you can use alternative payment using Debit BCA (Virtual Account), OneKlik, or Kartu Kredit BCA.

Now you know there are people out there who try to exploit the current pandemic for profit. Worry not, you can still donate through trusted charity organizations allowing you to verify its validity and avoid scams.

For further questions on transacting with BCA, please contact Halo BCA at 1500888.

Share this information with your family and friends to save them from getting scammed!