2020-08-05 | Awas Modus

Beware of Personal Data and Bank Accounts Trade

Today, we have found a looming large case of online shopping scams, with the latest being the online trade of bank accounts.

This type of trade, usually done online through certain e-commerce/marketplace, is illegal and harmful for bank account owners.

In the case of the buyer as the victim, scammers usually target buyers who do not understand the risks of purchasing a bank account. Usually, these accounts sold in the market are already blocked or secondhand.

In the case of the buyer as the culprit, it is likely these buyers misuse the purchased bank accounts for scamming. Because logically, if someone really needs a bank account, not for criminal purposes, it should be easier to open an account under your own name and open it online via the BCA mobile app.

Risks of being bank accounts’ seller/buyer.

  • The traded accounts are prone to be misused as criminal escrow which will definitely be blocked by the bank.
  • The traded account’s owner will be asked for full responsibility if that account is misused by scammers.
  • The misused account will be blocked, the account user will be blacklisted and will never be able to open an account in any branch online.
  • So, do not pass the account or banking documents (Bank Passbook, ATM, PIN code, etc) to anyone.

Risks of being accounts’ buyers.

  1. The purchased account is likely not being able to be used/blocked

The offered account by sellers is said to be a valid account, but it could be someone else’s blocked account. The sellers may randomly take those accounts to sell them back to people. Sometimes, they also take pictures of bank passbook and ATM cards from the internet to convince prospective buyers. If you bought one of those someone else’s accounts, you might never be able to use your account anymore, or the feature will be blocked by the bank.

  1. Do not get tempted by instant, cheap, and quick way of making bank account 

Sellers usually offer you bank accounts that they will send immediately, cheap, and said to be new accounts. They even offer their existing active bank account for purchase if buyers are interested. Sellers would give freedom for buyers to request the desired account name, gender, and numbers. But, mind you, after transferring the money to sellers, the purchased account would never come, and even if it did come, it would not be able to be used.

Tips for customers regarding bank accounts trade:

  1. Always protect your Card Numbers and OTP Codes

In a more advanced age today, we must be alert to any scamming modus. Always keep your ATM numbers and OTP code to yourself only. If you have a change of phone number, address, or other personal data, please let us know through Halo BCA 1500888. And, if you suddenly received an OTP code while not doing any transaction, report it to Halo BCA 1500888 to anticipate any potential scam.

  1. Now it is easier to open a new account

Today, it is easier to open a bank account through official channels. Whenever and wherever, you can just open your smartphone, download BCA mobile, choose Buka Rekening Baru, and follow the steps, then your account is ready to use.

Be Generasi Anti-Modus by not purchasing illegal bank accounts.

For more information, call Halo BCA at 1500888 or check BCA’s official website www.bca.co.id#DatamuRahasiamu