13 May 2024 | Edukatips

Easy Steps to Pay Local Taxes through BCA

Local taxes are mandatory contributions that citizens or entities within a particular area must pay to fund public services and development projects. Using BCA, you can pay your local taxes online through various channels.

List of Local Taxes that can be paid through BCA

No Company Code Area



Local Tax in DKI Jakarta



Local Tax in Tangsel



Local Tax in Solo



Local Tax in Mojokerto



Local Tax in Jember



Local Tax in Manado

How to Pay Local Taxes via myBCA

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select Pajak Daerah Lainnya in the Pay & Top Up section
  3. Select Area and enter your Customer ID
  4. Check the bill details that appear, then click “Pay
  5. Enter your PIN
  6. A confirmation of successful payment will appear

How to Pay Local Taxes via ATM BCA

  1. Insert your ATM card and enter your PIN
  2. Select “Tarik Tunai/Transaksi Lainnya
  3. Select “Transaksi Lainnya
  4. Select the “Pembayaran” menu
  5. Select the “MPN/Pajak” menu
  6. Select the “Pajak Lokal Lainnya” menu
  7. Enter the “Kode Wilayah”, then click “Benar
  8. Enter “No. Bayar” and click “Benar
  9. You’ll see a confirmation screen on the ATM screen, select “Ya” to continue the payment
  10. A confirmation of successful payment will appear and a receipt will be issued

By using myBCA or ATM BCA, you can easily fulfill your tax obligations from anywhere, anytime! For more information on how to pay your Land and Building Tax (PBB) through  BCA, please refer to the following article.