07 Dec 2023 | Edukatips

How to Set Up Recurring Transfer Feature on myBCA

Many people have regular or recurring transfer needs. Despite being a routine, it is easy to forget to do these transactions. To address this issue, take advantage of the recurring transfer feature on myBCA.

For more complete information, see the following explanation of the recurring transfer feature.

What is Recurring Transfer?

Recurring Transfer is a feature to make automatic transfers recurring on a certain day or date. Transactions can also be customized to automatically recur until a specified time limit. It can be set based on every certain day, every few days, or every certain date. Recurring transfers that have been made can be viewed through the “Scheduled Transactions” on myBCA.

Benefits of Recurring Transfers

The benefits you can obtain from using period transfer services on myBCA include:

1. Prevent missed transfers

Our busy schedules sometimes make us forget to do something important. The recurring transfer service allows transactions to continue only with one time setting.

2. Save time

The recurring transfer feature can also help to save time in completing regular transactions. You no longer need to make transfers again and again as they are automatically transfer using pre-scheduled transfers.

3. Can set up multiple transfers

You can make more than one transfer on a regular basis. Utilizing this recurring transfer feature makes it easy to set up multiple transactions with different beneficiaries, amounts, and frequencies.

4. Can be set to a certain time frame

Recurring transfers may have different time spans. Some may only be done a few times, while others may be done continuously for a year or two. This feature also has an end date that can be set according to your needs.

How to Set Up Recurring Transfer on myBCA

The steps to set up a recurring transfer are not much different from a regular transfer. You only need to enter additional information in the transfer type section. Here’s how to set up a recurring transfer:

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select the Transfer menu
  3. Select Transfer to BCA Account
  4. Enter the beneficiary account
  5. Enter the amount you wish to transfer
  6. Select the Recurring transfer type
  7. Select Recurring Transfer Type and complete the required information
  8. Click Continue
  9. Check the transfer details and click Continue if correct
  10. Enter your myBCA PIN to confirm the transaction
  11. Recurring transfer has been successfully set

How to View Recurring Transfer List on myBCA

After setting up recurring transfers, you can check the list of recurring transfers through myBCA. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select Others
  3. Select Scheduled Transactions
  4. The list of recurring transfer will appear on the screen

How to Cancel Recurring Transfer on myBCA

If you wish to cancel a recurring transfer that you have set, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to myBCA
  2. Select Others
  3. Select Scheduled Transactions
  4. Click on the recurring transfer that you wish to cancel
  5. Select Cancel and click Yes
  6. The recurring transfer has been successfully canceled and will be deleted from Recurring Transfer

So, that concludes the information about scheduled transactions and how to do them. To get these features and services, download myBCA from the Play Store and App Store now.