24 Feb 2022 | Edukatips

Monitoring your RDN and Securities Balance Information Gets Easier with e-Banking BCA

*Update : 20 Mar 2024

Before investing, investors must have a Rekening Dana Nasabah (RDN). The RDN is a special account used for settling all securities transactions. It is now easy to open the RDN online through affiliated Securites Companies. Moreover, it offers other benefits, such as RDN balance monitoring and RDN BCA mutation via e-banking BCA, as well as securities and RDN balances on the AKSes KSEI menu in KlikBCA Individu.

Here is how to monitor balance and mutation of RDN BCA as well as securities balance and RDN balance information consolidated in BCA channels.

How to check RDN Balance and Mutation via BCA mobile

  1. Open m-BCA app, enter your access code or “Kode Akses”
  2. Select m-Info menu
  3. On the Info RDN section:
    • 3a. Click Info Saldo to check the RDN balance
    • 3b. Click Info Saldo to check the RDN balance, details of Effective Balance Information and RDN Blocked Balance will appear

How to check RDN Balance and Mutation via KlikBCA

  1. Login to KlikBCA
  2. Select Informasi Rekening
  3. On the Rekening Dana Nasabah (RDN) section:
    • 3a. Click Informasi Saldo RDN to check RDN balance
    • 3b. Click Mutasi RDN to check RDN mutation.

How to check Securities Balance and RDN Balance Information consolidated in the AKSes KSEI menu via KlikBCA

  1. Login to KlikBCA
  2. Select Informasi Produk Investasi
  3. On the AKSes KSEI section:
    • 3a. click Informasi Saldo Efek Nasabah to check the details of securities balance owned by each securities company.
    • 3b. Click Informasi Saldo Efek Konsolidasi to check the details of securities balance owned by customers.
    • 3c. Click Informasi Saldo RDN Konsolidasi to check the RDN credit per securities company owned by the customer.

How to Check RDN Account Balance & Mutation Information via myBCA

  1. Login to myBCA
  2. Click ‘Akun Saya’
  3. Scroll and select ‘Informasi RDN’ menu to see the balance of each RDN owned
  4. To view Account Mutation, click ‘Informasi RDN’ and then click the calendar icon
  5. Choose the desired date for the account mutation you want to check, then select ‘Tampilkan’
  6. The Account Mutation will appear according to the selected date

How to Check RDN Account Balance & Mutation Information via myBCA Web

  1. Login to myBCA
  2. Click ‘Akun Saya’
  3. Click ‘Informasi Rekening’
  4. Click ‘Informasi Saldo RDN’
  5. A list of RDN and the amount of balance you owned will appear, to view more detailed information, click the RDN number you want to view
  6. The selected RDN's detailed information will be shown
  7. To view Account Mutation, select ‘Mutasi RDN’ and choose the date you want to check
  8. The desired RDN's detailed Account Mutation will be shown.

For more information about RDN, click here