24 Sep 2020 | Edukatips

Debit Authority Activation Simplified with BCA mobile

Debit authorization for payment of subscription, insurance premium, and other bills can now be done digitally, the activation is also more practical with BCA mobile.

Below is the steps to do it:

  1. Register the BCA account number of the debit authorizer and choose an active BCA mobile phone number for financial transactions on affiliated companies’ websites/apps.

Continue via m-Admin menu

  • Open m-BCA from BCA mobile, select m-Admin menu
  • Select “Atur Kuasa Debet” menu. Check the details of the Kuasa Debet account you have registered. Then, read and agree on the terms and conditions to continue activation.
  • Next, tap “Aktivasi”
  • After activation is successful, a notification will pop up on BCA mobile
  • The already activated Kuasa Debet account will be included in the “Akun Aktif” tab. Click the account name to check the detail of Kuasa Debet.

Continue via BCA mobile Push Notification

  • Tap notification to continue activation on BCA mobile
  • Check the detail of Kuasa Debet account you registered. Then, read and agree on the terms and conditions to continue activation.
  • Next, tap “Aktivasi”
  • After activation is successful, a notification will pop up on BCA mobile
  • The already activated Kuasa Debet account will be included in the “Akun Aktif” tab. Click the account name to check the detail of Kuasa Debet.

The authorization for account debit is successfully registered

Download BCA mobile now