12 Feb 2020 | Edukatips

Tips on Travelling Using Public Transports in the Capital City

Let’s travel using public transport to support the government in the capital city!

Traveling around the capital city using public transport offers many variations, from MRT, Transjakarta, and Commuter Line Jabodetabek.

MRT, as the new attraction, offers a fast and comfortable facility. MRT has been one of Jakartan’s favorites.

Here are some tips if you are to travel around in the capital city using public transport:

  1. Wear a comfortable shirt
    The weather and traffic are often unpredictable. Wear a shirt that you will be comfortable with in any kind of weather.
  1. Only bring essentials
    Only bring things that you need, like a bag, wallet, and phone. Always stay alert about your belongings.
  1. Bring personal medicines
    To prepare for an emergency situation, always bring your personal medicines for precautionary measures.
  1. Use sunblocks
    The heat of the capital city is brutal. To keep your skin protected from UV rays, always use sunblocks before roaming around the city to keep you away from sunburnt skin.
  1. Bring Kartu Flazz with adequate balance
    Always bring your Kartu Flazz to make every transaction during your trip easy. And, ensure it has an adequate balance for your day trip.


BCA and PT. MRT Jakarta issued a special Flazz Card MRT edition as an exclusive partnership. With only one card, you can travel around Jakarta with any available public transport. It is super slim and practical.

The Kartu Flazz can also be used to pay toll fees, food and beverage, minimarket, supermarket, hypermarket, gas station, book store, and recreation places.