Tahapan Berjangka

Time to make your dream plans come true

Why Tahapan Berjangka BCA?


Monthly autodebit deposit from Tahapan, Tahapan Gold, Tahapan Xpresi, or Tapres BCA as the source fund account

Time Period Selection

Select the deposit term from 1 to 20 years

Flexible Deposit

Monthly deposit starts from IDR 500,000 per month in multiples of IDR 50,000

Tahapan Berjangka

About Important Information Fees, Limits & Interest Rates Terms and Conditions Get the Product

Tahapan Berjangka BCA

Tahapan Berjangka BCA is a savings product specifically intended for individual customers, with periodic deposits to be made by the customer in a fixed amount and for a certain saving period. This savings product also comes with life insurance.


Balance inquiry and e-statement facility through KlikBCA, myBCA and KlikBCA Bisnis
Life Insurance
Life insurance for guaranteed convenience
Best Interest Rate
Interest rates above regular savings
Free Admin Fee
There is no administrative fee every month.
Free Deposit
Free to add funds at any time outside the monthly deposit.
Make Your Dreams Come True
Help form a habit of saving regularly to make dreams come true

Important Information

Requirements and Procedures

  • The prospective customer is an individual of Indonesian citizenship with a minimum age of 12 years and a maximum age of 60 years.
  • The maximum saving period is up to the customer’s 65th birthday.
  • The customer fills out the account opening application form and accepts the terms therein.
  • The customer provides the required documentation.

Type of Customer

  • Electronic Resident ID Card (e-KTP)
  • Tax ID Number (NPWP)*
  • The child’s Birth Certificate/Family Card/Child Identity Card
  • The parents’ electronic Resident ID Cards (e-KTP)
  • The parents’ Tax ID Number (NPWP) (optional)*
  • The parents’ Statement Letter

*Note: If the Customer does not have/has not already had the Tax ID Number (NPWP), the Customer can substitute it with a Statement Letter explaining that the Customer does not have the Tax ID Number (NPWP).

The customer can ask questions and lodge complaints via the following:

Contact Us:

Halo BCA 1500888

Email : halobca@bca.co.id

WA : +628111500998

Website : www.bca.co.id

Social Media:

Facebook : GoodLife BCA

Instagram : @goodlifebca

Youtube : Solusi BCA

X (Twitter) : @BankBCA

Features, Benefits, and Risks of Tahapan Berjangka

Main Features of Tahapan Berjangka:

  • Available in 1 currency, i.e., Rupiah.
  • The minimum initial deposit is IDR500,000 or any greater amount in a multiple of IDR50,000.
  • No requirement to maintain a minimum balance.
  • The monthly deposits are made through an auto debit facility with the source of funds from Tahapan, Tahapan Gold, Tahapan Xpresi, or Tapres BCA.
  • Competitive Interest Rates. For details on interest rates, see the “Fees, Limits & Interest Rates”.
  • The saving period is a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 240 months.
  • No funds withdrawal is allowed during the saving period.
  • The customer of Tahapan Berjangka may request an Automatic Renewal, subject to the following terms and conditions:
    • The automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account must be made no later than 2 (two) business days prior to the maturity date of the current Tahapan Berjangka account
    • The customer has not reached the age of 65 years on the subsequent maturity date after the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account
    • No failure in the debiting of the monthly routine deposit occurs on the day of the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account
    • The saving period and the monthly routine deposit amount for the renewed Tahapan Berjangka account will follow the previous saving period and monthly routine deposit amount determined by the customer when opening the Tahapan Berjangka account
    • The automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account can be canceled no later than 2 (two) business days prior to the maturity date of the current Tahapan Berjangka account
  • The deposit interest rate that is eligible for the deposit insurance scheme follows the applicable interest rate set by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance CoIDRoration (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS), which can be viewed on the website of the LPS.
  • Income tax withholding: 20% of the interest amount.
  • The customer will receive information on the customer’s account transaction history in the form of a soft copy account statement (e-statement) by downloading it directly from the channels owned by the customer.


  • Convenient and flexible periodic savings/investments for the customer.
  • Get free term life insurance protection from BCA Life, i.e., the Tahapan Berjangka life insurance product, which is provided for the customer during the saving period of Tahapan Berjangka.
  • No need to manually make the monthly deposit because the funds for the monthly deposit will be automatically debited from the source account.
  • If the account has reached the maturity date, the funds will be transferred to the source account and the customer will receive a notification via SMS/email.


  • The customer’s deposits will not be covered by the deposit insurance scheme managed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance CoIDRoration (LPS) if:
    • The total balance of the customer’s deposits (including interest) in one bank exceeds (an equivalent of) IDR2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Rupiah) for both single accounts and joint accounts.
    • The interest rate obtained by the customer exceeds the deposit insurance interest rate set by the LPS.
  • Savings interest rates may fluctuate in line with market developments.
  • Claims for the life insurance may be rejected if the savings account has been closed and/or the customer (the Insured) passes away as a result of the following:
    1. Suicide
    2. An unlawful act or criminal act committed by the customer (the Insured) or the Beneficiary resulting in the death of the Insured.
    3. The Insured's involvement in dangerous activities or sports, such as self-defense sports including but not limited to boxing and wrestling, diving, swimming or sailing on the high seas, mountain climbing, rock climbing (both artificial and actual), rafting, base or bungee jumping, winter sports and/or those involving ice or snow, including but not limited to ice skiing, sledding, and ice hockey, speed contests, whether using motorized vehicles or not, such as cycling, horse riding, boating (whether with sails or not), skydiving, gliding or other aerospace sports/games or activities in the air except as a pilot, flight attendant or passenger of a scheduled and licensed aiIDRlane managed by a commercial airline.
    4. Any diseases caused either directly or indirectly by AIDS, ARC (AIDS Related Complex), or infections caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Simulation 1):

Monthly Routine Deposit Saving Period Interest Rate per Annum 2) Total Final Balance 3)


240 months




12 months



Last Update: 1 February 2024


1) This simulation is intended to provide the customer with an estimate calculation only and is not meant to give any recommendation. 

2) Interest rates may change at any time in line with market conditions and the change will be notified to the customer via BCA’s information media.

3) Total final balance = estimated total balance of Tahapan Berjangka after interest payment and tax withholding.

Simulation of the Tahapan Berjangka Life Insurance:

If a death risk occurs to the customer, a death benefit due to an accident or illness will be paid in the amount of the Sum Insured (SI), which is equal to the total amount of the routine deposits that have not been paid into the Tahapan Berjangka account, subject to the following provisions:

Saving Period Cause of Death Total amount of
≤1 yr Illness -
Accident 1 x the SI, Max IDR750 Million/customer
>1 yr Illness 1 x the SI, Max IDR750 Million/customer
Accident 2 X the SI, Max IDR1.5 Billion/customer.
  • The Sum Insured (SI) is calculated based on the following formula:
  • Sum Insured = (n-t) × Monthly Deposit Amount


    n = Total Period of Tahapan Berjangka (in months)

    t = Period of Tahapan Berjangka elapsed (in months)

  • In the event the customer has 1 (one) or more Tahapan Berjangka accounts:
    • The maximum Sum Insured to be paid in the event of the occurrence of a death risk due to an illness is IDR750 Million/customer (Seven Hundred Fifty Million Rupiah per customer) and
    • The maximum Sum Insured to be paid in the event of the occurrence of a death risk due to an accident is IDR1.5 billion/customer (One Billion Five Hundred Million Rupiah per customer).
  • An additional death benefit of IDR5 million (five million rupiah) per account will be paid in addition to the Sum Insured.

Additional Information

  • The Tahapan Berjangka interest will be credited to the customer’s account on a monthly basis.
  • Upon the maturity date, the funds will be credited to the source account.
  • A decrease in the interest rate will result in a reduction in the interest amount to be received by the customer.
  • Tahapan Berjangka cannot be opened in the form of a joint account.
  • Tahapan Berjangka can be closed in either of the following ways:
    • Closed automatically by the system by reason of the following:
      • The account has come into maturity, being one business day prior to the account opening date in the year the account comes into maturity.
      • There occur failures in the auto debit for the routine deposits from the source account for 3 consecutive months.
    • Closed prior to the maturity date at the request of the customer, who visits the Branch Office at which the customer opened the Tahapan Berjangka account
  • If the funds are not available on the debiting date, the debiting of the source account will be attempted again at the end of the current month.
  • If the debiting fails for 3 consecutive months, the Tahapan Berjangka account will be automatically closed and the funds will be returned to the source account.
  • The customer cannot make withdrawals or close the account before the expiry of the saving period. If the customer makes withdrawals or closes the account, the customer will be charged a fee for pre-mature account closure.
  • The premature account closure fee = 1% x the final balance of Tahapan Berjangka Rp50,000 minimum or an amount equal to the accrued interest already paid to the customer at the maximum (the initial saving period at the time of placement until the renewal of Tahapan Berjangka) if the accrued interest is above Rp50,000.
  • The Tahapan Berjangka Life Insurance is an insurance product of BCA Life and is not a product or the responsibility of BCA and is not within the scope of the insurance program as referred to in the laws and regulations regarding the deposit insurance institution. The use of BCA’s logo and/or attributes in the marketing documents is only intended to show that BCA is in cooperation with BCA Life.
  • The Bank has the right to change the benefits, fees and charges, risks, including the terms and conditions for this product and/or service, and such change will be notified by BCA in any form and through any means in accordance with the applicable law.
  • The Customer may receive offerings for other products from other parties outside of the Bank that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank, if the Customer gives consent to BCA to provide the customer’s data to such other parties that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank.
  • The Customer may receive offerings for the Bank’s products and/or services or the products and/or services belonging to other parties that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank via personal communication channels, if the Customer gives consent to the Bank to deliver such product and/or service offerings via personal communication channels.
  • All other information regarding the fees and charges, benefits, and risks can be accessed on BCA’s official website at co.id.
  • Below is the claim procedure for the Tahapan Berjangka Life Insurance:
    • The Beneficiary can submit a claim to BCA Life through BCA no later than 90 calendar days of the customer’s (the Insured’s) death.
    • The following documents (in Indonesian or English) must be submitted by the Beneficiary:
      • Claim cover letter from BCA.
      • Death claim form completed and signed by the Beneficiary.
      • Death claim form completed and signed by a medical doctor.
      • Death certificate from the competent authority.
      • Death certificate/report from the police in the event of a death caused by an accident.
      • Other documents deemed necessary by the Insurer for making a claim decision.
    • The claim will be paid no later than 10 (ten) business days if there is no investigation, and 60 (sixty) calendar days if there is an investigation, from the date on which the documents are completely received.

Interest Rates

Interest Rate per Year (floating)

Monthly Deposit

Time Period (Year)

≥1 - <3

≥3 - <5

≥5 - <10


< IDR1,000,000 0.90% 1.10% 1.40% 1.60%
≥ IDR1,000,000 1.10% 1.40% 1.60% 1.60%

Effective: December 1st, 2024

Fees and Limits Tahapan Berjangka

To accommodate its customer’s needs, BCA provides competitive limits and fees for each product and service. View the limits and fees for Tahapan Berjangka below.



Deposit transaction at counter Free
Monthly Administration Free
Debit Failed Free
Insurance Premium Free

Print Transaction History at Branch

According to applicable terms and conditions

Closing Account Before Maturity *)

1% of final Tahapan Berjangka balance
- Minimum of IDR50,000, or
- Maximum equal to paid accumulated interest, whichever is the larger amount.

*) Account closure to death of account holder will result in automatic account closure, free of charge. Insurance benefits and funds associated with the Tahapan Berjangka account will be returned to primary source account.




  1. Tahapan Berjangka means a savings account for individual customers into which the customer must deposit a fixed amount on a monthly basis for a specified period on the scheduled auto debit date selected by the customer.
  2. Source Account means an account from which periodic auto debit payment is made each month into Tahapan Berjangka. The Source Account may take the forms of Tahapan, Tahapan Gold, Tahapan Xpresi, Tapres, and or any other account to be later determined by BCA. The owner of the Source Account must be the same as the owner of the Tahapan Berjangka account.
  3. Monthly Routine Deposit means a periodic deposit payment in a fixed amount that must be made by the customer each month for a certain period on the scheduled auto debit date selected by the customer.
  4. Maturity Date means the date on which the life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account terminates in accordance with the life period determined by the Customer.


  1. Tahapan Berjangka account is intended for individual customers that own a Source Account.
  2. A depositor must be an individual of Indonesian nationality who owns an identity card in accordance with the applicable terms, with a minimum age of 12 years and a maximum age of 60 years (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor").
  3. The Tahapan Berjangka account can not be opened in the form of a joint account with the status of "AND" nor "OR".
  4. At the time the Depositor first opens a Tahapan Berjangka account, the Depositor is required to determine the life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account, which is a minimum of 12 (twelve) months, and a maximum of 240 (two hundred forty) months, or until the Depositor attains the age of 65 years (whichever is earlier).
  5. The amount of Monthly Routine Deposit and the life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account can not be changed.
  6. The opening of the Tahapan Berjangka account can be done at the counter, through CS Digital machine, through KlikBCA Individu connected with the Source Account, or by any other  means as may be determined by BCA.
  7. Any change to the Tahapan Berjangka account data other than the amount of Monthly Routine Deposit and the life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account can be made at the counter, through KlikBCA Individu which is connected to the Source Account, or by any other means as may be determined by BCA.
  8. Upon opening the Tahapan Berjangka account, the Depositor will obtain  life insurance benefits as further regulated in the insurance certificate issued by the insurance company in cooperation with BCA.
  9. For the implementation of fund transfer transactions (including registration of destination accounts for the purpose of fund transfer transactions) through facilities provided by BCA, other banks, or non-bank institutions, the Depositor hereby authorizes BCA to:
    1. display the name and/or account number of the Depositor on the BCA facilities used to conduct fund transfer transactions;
    2. provide data on the name and/or account number of the Depositor to other banks, non-bank institutions, and other parties cooperating with other banks or non-bank institutions to be displayed on the facilities used for fund transfer transactions.
    The display of such name and/or account number is conducted as a means of confirmation to customers who conduct fund transfers to minimize the possibility of wrong transfers.
  10. The Depositor must not make any funds withdrawal prior to the Maturity Date. If the Depositor intends to withdraw his/her funds prior to the Maturity Date, the Depositor is required to close the Tahapan Berjangka account and the Depositor will incur an account closing fee in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  11. The Depositor must not use the Tahapan Berjangka account to hold funds from any transactions or businesses that are prohibited by and/or contrary to applicable law, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorism financing, funding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal investments, fraud, gambling, narcotics, and other criminal acts.
  12. The Depositor must not use the funds in the Tahapan Berjangka account to conduct any transactions or businesses that are prohibited by and/or contrary to applicable law, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorism financing, funding the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal investments, fraud, gambling, narcotics, and other criminal acts.
  13. BCA reserves the right to block the Depositor’s account, refuse any transaction involving the Depositor’s account, and/or terminate the business relationship with the Depositor if:
    1. The Depositor fails to comply with the prevailing law;
    2. The Depositor fails to provide any information and supporting documents required under the prevailing law;
    3. The Depositor is known to have used and/or reasonably suspected of using false documents and/or providing incorrect data to BCA;
    4. The Depositor provides questionable information; and/or
    5. The Depositor’s source of transaction funds is known to emanate from and/or reasonably suspected of emanating from a crime.
  14. The Depositor can request the Tahapan Berjangka account data at a BCA branch office or electronically access the Tahapan Berjangka account data (in the form of e-statement) through KlikBCA Individu linked to the Source Account, or by any other means as may be determined by BCA.
  15. The Tahapan Berjangka account will be automatically closed:
    1. On the Maturity Date (unless the Depositor has previously applied for an automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account); or
    2. In the event that the auto debit for the Monthly Routine Deposit fails for 3 (three) consecutive months. 

In connection with the closing of the Tahapan Berjangka account, the funds in the Tahapan Berjangka account will be credited to the Source Account.

  1. Closure of the Tahapan Berjangka account before the Maturity Date will attract a closing account fee.
  2. The Depositor must notify BCA in writing of any changes to the Depositor’s data.
  3. In the event of the Depositor’s death, BCA may request any documentation of heirship as required by BCA to allow BCA to liquidate the amounts in the Tahapan Berjangka account and pay the same to the beneficiaries specified in the documentation of heirship. Upon the liquidation of the amounts in the Tahapan Berjangka account of the deceased Depositor and payment of the same to the lawful beneficiaries or proxies under the documentation of heirship, BCA is discharged from any liability in connection with the Depositor’s Tahapan Berjangka Account.
  4. To the extent that the Depositor still has certain obligations to BCA under a loan, L/C, bank guarantee or any guarantee provided by the Depositor (borgtocht), interest, facility fee (provisi), fee for Chequebooks/Bilyet Giro books, stamp duty, draft, letter of acceptance or other commercial papers signed by the Depositor as an acceptor, endorser, or drawer, guarantor or as a result of the use of credit cards or any fees or obligations arising from any circumstances whatsoever, BCA shall be entitled, and to the extent necessary is hereby authorized by the Depositor, to debit the Depositor’s account and apply the proceeds to repay any amounts at any time due to BCA. Any consequences arising from the debiting of the Tahapan Berjangka account under the power of attorney granted by the Depositor shall be the sole responsibility of the Depositor.
  5. BCA has the right to make correction to the balance of the Depositor’s account in the event of any posting error by BCA.
  6. The Depositor may close the Tahapan Berjangka account at a BCA branch office by presenting his/her original and valid identity card and other supporting documents (if any) in accordance with the provisions applicable at BCA.
  7. The data on the Tahapan Berjangka Account will be held and stored by BCA in accordance with the prevailing law.
  8. The Tahapan Berjangka account is not included in the BCA lucky draw program.
  9. The Tahapan Berjangka account can not be used for auto debit facilities.
  10. Deposits can be made into the Tahapan Berjangka account at any time, but no withdrawal may be made prior to the Maturity Date. Any deposit into the Tahapan Berjangka account other than the Monthly Routine Deposit shall not affect the amount of Monthly Routine Deposit to be made and shall not change the tiered interest rate applicable for the Tahapan Berjangka account.
  11. In connection with the opening of Tahapan Berjangka account and the provision of life insurance benefits to the Depositor, the Depositor hereby authorizes BCA to provide the data of Depositor and data related to the Depositor’s Tahapan Berjangka account to the insurance company which, in cooperation with BCA, provides life insurance benefits to the Depositor and to competent authorities in accordance with the applicable laws. The authorization shall not terminate for whatever reasons, including those referred to in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Indonesian Civil Code.
  12. The Depositor’s funds at BCA are guaranteed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, LPS), subject to the maximum amount of deposit guaranteed by the LPS. The LPS does not guarantee any deposit with interest at the rate exceeding the interest rate stipulated by the LPS.
  13. By opening the Tahapan Berjangka account, the Depositor is bound by and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka. BCA may at any time amend any terms and conditions for the Tahapan Berjangka account, and such amendment shall be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.


  1. The minimum amount of Monthly Routine Deposit for the Tahapan Berjangka Account is Rp500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah), and if more than that the Monthly Routine Deposit shall be made in multiples of Rp50,000 (fifty thousand rupiah).
  2. The Monthly Routine Deposit shall be made by means of auto debit from the Source Account, subject to the following provisions:
    1. For the opening of the Tahapan Berjangka account through counter and CS Digital machine, the first Monthly Routine Deposit auto debit shall be made on the day when the Tahapan Berjangka account is opened.
    2. For the opening of the Tahapan Berjangka account through KlikBCA Individu, the first Monthly Routine Deposit auto debit shall be made when the Tahapan Berjangka account is opened.
    3. The subsequent auto debit for the Monthly Routine Deposit shall be made on a date selected by the Depositor.
    4. The auto debit date can be selected on any day of the month until the 30th of each month.
    5. If the auto debit date selected by the Depositor is the 29th or 30th, then for February, the auto debit process shall be conducted on the last calendar day in February.
    6. In the event of any failure in making the auto debit, the auto debit process shall be made again at the end of the relevant month.
    7. For the Depositor who has applied for an automatic renewal of his/her Tahapan Berjangka account, the first Monthly Routine Deposit auto debit for the renewed Tahapan Berjangka account shall be made on the day of the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account.
    8. For the Depositor who changes the auto debit date of the Monthly Routine Deposit, the auto debit of  Monthly Routine Deposit on the new auto debit date will be effective starting from the second Monthly Routine Deposit after the auto debit date has been changed.
  3. Any deposit other than the Monthly Routine Deposit can be made at any time at the counter during BCA business hours or through the Cash Deposit Machine, or through other channels.


  1. If the Depositor desires the Tahapan Berjangka account be automatically renewed on the Maturity Date, the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account shall apply with the following terms and conditions:
    1. A request for the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account is made no later than 2 (two) business days before the Maturity Date of the current Tahapan Berjangka account;
    2. The Depositor is less than 65 years old on the next Maturity Date after the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account; and
    3. There is no auto debit failure of the Monthly Routine Deposit on the day of the automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account.
  2. The life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account and the amount of Monthly Routine Deposit for the renewed Tahapan Berjangka account will be in accordance with the life period of the Tahapan Berjangka account and the amount of Monthly Routine Deposit determined by the Depositor at the time of opening  such Tahapan Berjangka account.
  3. The automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account can be canceled no later than 2 (two) business days before the Maturity Date of the current Tahapan Berjangka account.


  1. The Tahapan Berjangka account pays interest with a tiered rate plan according to the amount of Monthly Routine Deposit, and the interest is subject to tax in accordance with the prevailing law. The tiered interest rates are not fixed. It may change according to market fluctuations and the change will be notified by BCA to the Depositor in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.
  2. Interest shall be paid at the end of the relevant month and shall be directly credited or added to the balance of the Depositor’s account as evident in BCA’s books and records.
  3. If the Depositor desires an automatic renewal of the Tahapan Berjangka account, the interest that has been earned since the beginning of the Tahapan Berjangka account opening will add the balance of the renewed Tahapan Berjangka account.
  4. Any interest income shall be subject to tax in accordance with the prevailing tax law and the tax shall be borne by the Depositor.


  1. Any complaints to BCA in connection with the Tahapan Berjangka account may be lodged by the Depositor to any BCA branch office or to Halo BCA. For the purpose of handling the complaint, BCA may ask the Depositor to provide BCA with a copy of the Depositor’s identity card and other supporting documents.
  2. BCA shall respond to such complaint in accordance with the prevailing law.
  3. Any complaints relating to the Tahapan Berjangka account must be lodged by the Depositor to BCA within no later than 3 (three) months of the transaction date.


  1. The Depositor agrees that any disputes or disagreements arising from and/or relating to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”) will be resolved by deliberation. 
  2. Any disputes or disagreements that cannot be resolved by deliberation by the Depositor and BCA, will be resolved through banking facilitation (fasilitasi perbankan) at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or mediation through Alternative Dispute Resolution Agencies listed in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Agencies issued by the Financial Services Authority.
  3. Any disputes or disagreements that cannot be resolved by deliberation, banking facilitation, and/or mediation as referred to in point 2 above, will be resolved through Central Jakarta District Court, without prejudice to BCA’s right to file claims or demands through other District Courts within the territory of the Republic Indonesia.


These Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”) are made and signed in two (2) versions of languages, namely Indonesian and English. In the event that there is a discrepancy in interpretation between the versions of Indonesian and English, then the version of Indonesian language shall prevail.

The Depositor hereby confirms that the Depositor has fully understood and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”) as described above and that BCA has provided explanations and asked for confirmation of the Depositor’s understanding of the benefits, fees, risks as well as rights and obligations associated with the Tahapan Berjangka account.


These Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”) have been adjusted to ensure compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations including Regulations of the Financial Services Authority.

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